68 Mustang #5 new core support

 Last post covered the damaged core support and front aprons. New ones were bought (shown below).

The passenger side apron or battery apron was a good fit but needed to be pulled into the engine space a little. Holes were drilled where I wanted to spot weld then clamped into place.

Driver's side needed more work as the spot weld holes needed to be drilled and the holes and slots for the fender bolts had to be laid out and cut into the top lip. I used spray through spray (3 M product} on the bare metal before welding the aprons in place.
Once the aprons were in place I used a tape measure to check if they were equal distance from center and in height from the floor. They were not in alignment.
To correct the alignment problem the core support was bolted and clamped in place the fenders set and bolted at the cowl. Then I used rachet straps to pull the aprons into place, so the bolt lined up and the measurements were correct. With the core support held in place the fenders were removed then the core support weld in place.
The front of the sub frame is now complete and ready for the suspension to be installed, you can see the brake lines back in place to start the installation of new and old parts.
The 9" rear end was taken apart and inspected for wear and damage, no damage and wear looked normal. New seals and gaskets are on order to put it back together and add the disc brakes.
The gas tank has been cleaned sanded and painted ready to go back in.
Next on the list is to sand and paint the dash and side panels to be ready for the power steering box and reinstall the column.


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