Chopped 51 4 door

The 51 Ford that has been in a shop in Costa Mesa for the last 6 years is finally finished. The car is a chopped 4 door with a whole bunch of other modifications and a 347 CI/440HP Ford Motor.

Last week we visited the car as the front and back glass were finally installed after more than a year in the making. However, by the time we got there the windshield had cracked and must be replaced.

All that is left is front glass, wheel alignment, adjust headlights, charge the A/C system, road test and final polish and cleaning.

The upholstery turned out beautiful. There are more details on the previous post to the blog.

We and the car have been accepted to The Good-Guys indoor shows in Pleasanton, CA March 26 & 27 and Del Mar, CA April 1, 2, &3. The two (2) shows we really wanted to go to were the Grand National Roadster Show and the Sacramento Autorama in January and February but, the glass was not done.

We will be going to the Good-Guys in Scottsdale, AZ Spring Nationals on March 11, 12 & 13. Then the first of May we will go on the Route 66 Fun Run from Seligman to Kingman AZ to Topok.

If you are in the area of any of these events look us up and say Hello. Our cars are recognizable.


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