A Good Start for the New Year
Walker Auto Pride did not have a 1953 rear gravel pan but did have a 1951 that fit the body line but was longer and the ends had to be cut off with new return flanges welded in place. To make the new patch panels for under the tail lights I cut a 6" x 4" piece of 20 gauge and bent a 1 1/2" flange, using two pieces of angle iron in my vice, then cut notches in the flange that would allow me to bend, fit, and clamp it to the gravel pan and spot welded the notches to hold the form. Next I cut it to fit between the seams under the tail light and rear trunk panel, held it in place on the car then started forming the curve using the new forming head and body hammer. After several passes of tapping the piece over the forming head it took the curved shape on one end that came close to the shape under the tail light then I continued hammering and shaping the piece until it was close along the top (bottom was already fit to tail pan). I tack welded one end in place, after some fin...